Post Generali

It's now been a couple of weeks since the generali solo.
I have been based down in the med, working on my boat, having a couple of days off to explore before I delivers my boat down to Corsica for the tour of corse; a little race around Corsica.
The generali was a Great event, a smaller scale version of the figaro with some short course racing incorporated, this really got the boat handling sharp. It's been great to have the opportunity to come down and compete in this race, to compleat the season, to get lots of hours / days in sailing the boat. This should really help bridge the gap I felt I had at the begging of this season going in to 2016. The event was a mixture of highes and lows, both providing huge amounts of learning.
The good parts; I felt strongly inshore posting few top 5s and even a couple of top 3s. Blasting down wind in 30-40 knot mistral winds at night in short chop!
The less satisfying parts; getting shafted in crucial moments of the offshore races that put me back in the fleet with little room to advance after these plates were made. I ended up 13th in the corse an ok result slightly let down by the weighted offshore legs where I know where the mistakes were.
The med is a beautiful place, having been lucky enough to spend some years in my youth growing up in Mallorca I had forgotten how nice sailing and been in the med, this event has re-kindled my love of this part of the world.
It must be noted that the dolphins are not as friendly in the med, passing the boat and never playing, unlike the Dolphins in the channels and around north and west France.